The Quick Synopsis

Colt has always struggled with letters, but he’s learned clever tricks to fool his parents into believing that he knows them all and each of their sounds. Then Colt has to start kindergarten and almost overnight his usual tricks no longer work, and worse, his classmates think he just doesn’t try hard enough. He isn’t sure how he’s going to protect his secret now. What happens if everyone finds out?

What People Are Saying About Colt the Courageous

“Insightful. Profound. Wonderfully written for all ages. I am excited to recommend this book! What a wonderful resource to educators, as well as parents and children. This book helps to explain dyslexia for anyone wanting to understand or for any family who may be walking through similar trials. I have spent my life teaching and unlocking ways to help dyslexic students. I only wish I had this book back then to set the foundation for my work with them. What an incredible resource that I can’t wait to have amongst my collection. Journey along with Colt the Courageous to learn compassion and insight for someone who may not learn just like you.”

“This true story will give you a glimpse into the journey of a bright young boy as he discovers that his challenges with learning to read are because of dyslexia. Colt the Courageous helps us understand that learning differences can bring challenges but ‘superpowers’ too and that accepting everyone for who they are, makes us all better humans. Every classroom and bookshelf needs a copy of this!”

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